Our Values
“T” represents Transparency. For us “transparency” is a lifestyle that we live and promote. Our ambition is to grow the business sustainably by staying agile with environmental and scientific trends. We have an endeavour to grow stronger relationships at source direct with the farms. We embody trust, honesty and open communication through carefully understanding the challenges of our suppliers and how we can strive to collectively deliver the best quality. How we also address our carbon footprint is at the forefront of our business behaviours.
“L” represents Learning. Being a people-centric brand, we are devoted to sharing the “Learnings” that the cameleers have picked up on their journey across the globe. Of course, we care about the product provenance, but we realise that learning is something more than the tangible. It is about how we collaborate at every given opportunity and add knowledge and value with our community.
“C” represents Celebration. Food and drink are often rooted in some of our fondest memories. As co-founders the celebration is about our cultural heritage and our collective wish to create those special moments. It is a little like the cameleer when they set off on their journey to eventually arrive at the depot with their thrift safe and sound. Sometimes it is the simplest wins that are worth a toast.