Code Of Ethics


Please read our (“Ethical Code”, “Code of Ethics”, “Ethics”, “Ethical Conduct” and “Code of Ethical Standard”) carefully before using the website operated by CAMELĒR SPICE CO. and Hue & Hew Ltd.



At Camelēr Spice Co. (trade name of Hue & Hew Ltd., registered office: 124 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX, registered in England and Wales, registered number: 12409599), our mission is to cultivate an awareness of spices through discovery and celebration, uplifting spice communities. We are committed to promoting harmony, equity, and innovation, and to conducting business ethically and sustainably.

We take our responsibility seriously to ensure our products and business have a positive impact on the environment, community, and employees. This Code of Ethical Standards outlines our commitment to maintaining fair, safe, and healthy working conditions, as well as environmental responsibility.


This policy establishes the framework for ensuring that all employees, suppliers, and customers understand their roles and responsibilities in maintaining high ethical standards. It highlights our commitment to good business practices and fair treatment. Every employee is responsible for reading and adhering to this policy, ensuring a culture of openness, trust, and integrity in Camelēr Spice Co.’s business practices.

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion


Camelēr Spice Co. values the unique qualities and diversity of individuals. We are committed to promoting equal opportunities throughout our business in accordance with the Equality Act 2010. This includes preventing discrimination, harassment, and victimisation, and fostering good relations between individuals with protected characteristics and those without. We believe that a diverse workforce drives innovation and strengthens our business.


Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking

In line with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, Camelēr Spice Co. is committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in our operations and supply chains. We take steps to verify, evaluate, and address risks related to human rights violations, setting clear expectations for suppliers in our Code of Ethical Conduct. We strictly prohibit forced, bonded, or indentured labour, and require all work to be voluntary.

Forced or Involuntary Labour

Workers at Camelēr Spice Co. or in our supply chains will never be subjected to forced, bonded, or involuntary labour. Employment contracts must be voluntary and freely terminable. We do not tolerate recruitment fees, contract substitution, or the withholding of personal documents. Workers will not be required to lodge deposits or security payments.

Humane Treatment

The workplace must be free from harsh or inhumane treatment, including physical or verbal abuse. Disciplinary policies will be clearly communicated, and corporal punishment or coercion will not be tolerated. All workers, regardless of nationality or legal status, will be treated fairly and equally.

Wages and Benefits

All workers will be paid at least the minimum wage required by UK law, and payments will be made regularly. We prohibit any form of wage deductions or practices that could result in forced labour. Workers will retain full control over their earnings, and we commit to transparency in payment practices.

Working Hours

Working hours must comply with UK employment law, and workers will not be forced to work beyond the legal limit. All overtime must be voluntary unless agreed under a collective bargaining agreement, and workers will not face disciplinary measures for declining overtime.


Returning to Work Following Illness


At Camelēr Spice Co., we are committed to ensuring the health and well-being of all employees. Under our Returning to Work Following Illness Policy, employees are encouraged to take the necessary time off to fully recover from illness or injury without pressure to return prematurely.

Upon returning to work, we conduct a Return to Work Assessment to evaluate the employee's health and fitness for their role, ensuring any necessary adjustments are made. We comply with all UK employment laws regarding sick leave, and no employee will face discrimination or penalties due to their absence from illness. Our policy also aligns with broader well-being initiatives to maintain a healthy, supportive work environment.

Freedom of Movement and Personal Freedom

Workers' freedom of movement will not be restricted, and no coercive measures will be used to control their personal freedom. Employment will not be contingent on residency in employer-operated facilities unless agreed upon without coercion.

Grievance Procedures

An effective grievance procedure will be maintained to allow workers to raise concerns without fear of retaliation. This will ensure that all grievances are handled fairly and transparently.

Anti-Bribery and Corruption

Camelēr Spice Co. upholds the highest ethical standards and complies with the Bribery Act 2010. We have a zero-tolerance policy toward bribery and corruption. Employees and associated persons are required to act with integrity, safeguard company values, and report any suspected misconduct. Bribes, facilitation payments, and improper gifts are strictly prohibited.

Legal Obligations

We are committed to complying with all relevant UK legislation, including but not limited to the Equality Act 2010, Modern Slavery Act 2015, and Bribery Act 2010. Non-compliance with this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include dismissal or termination of contracts.

Monitoring and Compliance

The Directors of Camelēr Spice Co. will oversee compliance with this policy and review its effectiveness regularly. They will ensure that this policy is updated annually to reflect changes in UK laws, social attitudes, and business practices.


We strive to ensure that all, regardless of location, have a smooth and hassle-free experience, please do not hesitate to contact us


Last updated: 4th March 2024